- Athome Curaçao



How easy it is

Majoordoomo isn’t your regular real estate website for buying or renting a house. We don’t even have listings on our website. Just sit back and relax, we will find the right dream property for you.

We are a group of people that have been working in the real estate industry for a while and from our experience we found a way to optimize the way we can bring buyers to our Agents. And so Majoordoomo was born…

We are not a real estate agency nor do we wish to be one. We believe that the market has enough experienced agents to serve our Buyers. We are simply here to facilitate you both.

Our mission

Majoordoomo aims to serve the real estate market in a way that will make it easier for Buyers and Agents to find that exact property. In a continuous effort we will strive for finding better ways to improve this for the real estate market. We are here to serve you!

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